Social Engineering Attacks

Our Social Engineering Security Assessment is a specialized security evaluation meticulously crafted to instill secure habits among end users. In response to the urgent demand for swift and effective solutions in information security management, we leverage targeted attacks to heighten awareness and drive behavior change. Through purposeful Phishing and Ransomware simulations, we foster a culture of awareness, ensuring that individuals are equipped to recognize and thwart potential threats.

As part of our comprehensive approach, we conduct Exams and Surveys to gauge the effectiveness of our initiatives and reinforce knowledge retention. Trust us to deliver tailored solutions that not only align with your organization's need for swift, effective, and enduring security measures but also cultivate a proactive and security-conscious culture throughout your workforce.

At the conclusion of each assessment, we provide a detailed report, categorized into executive and technical sections. The executive report offers a high-level summary of findings, while the technical report delves into a detailed analysis of each vulnerability. It includes the testing process, identification details, and remediation recommendations. To keep our clients informed, we schedule weekly meetings to report on the assessment's progress to relevant personnel.

Social Engineering Attacks

Are you interested in the service of Social Engineering Attacks?

Our services

Mobile Penetration Testing

Based on OWASP methodologies and on the experience of our consultants. We analyze your mobile applications (Android/iOS) in search of potential vulnerabilities, associated with the application development stage

Web Penetration Testing

We are aware of the sensitive information of our clients, and therefore we understand the need to protect and safeguard the transfer of information made by mobile applications

Network Penetration Testing

Our Ethical Hacking Penetration Testing for External and Internal Networks aims to uncover vulnerabilities or weaknesses that demand immediate attention, potentially leading to economic losses or harm to the company or network owner.


  • OWASP Top Ten Mobile
  • OWASP Security API Top Ten
  • Reversing Apps Android
  • Reversing Apps iOS